Excellence In Black: Usher is headlining the 2024 Super Bowl Halftime Show!

As if the year in Black Excellence hasn’t been an amazing one, Apple Music just announced that Usher Raymond IV will take the stage for the upcoming Superbowl halftime show, presented by them on Feb. 11, 2024, at the Allegiant Stadium in Paradise, Nevada.

In a series of videos announcing his upcoming performance, Usher’s classic Confessions video is remixed featuring an urgent call from several celebrities (individually) telling him about his headlining moment. The popular celebs include; Kim Kardashian, Deion Sanders, Odell Beckham & Marshawn Lynch.

This rollout is GENIUSLLY creative and dope!

Usher's performance will mark his second overall Super Bowl appearance. And first-time headlining. Step into the videos below.

Usher talking to Usher.

Kim Kardashian talking to Usher.

Deion Sanders talking to Usher.

Odell Beckham talking to Usher.

Marshawn Lynch talking to Usher.

Super Bowl LVIII will air live on CBS on Feb. 11, 2024. We will be TUNED IN!


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